Jonathan Bocca

Jonathan Bocca hails from Lucca and is a Tuscan interior designer. He achieved his degree in Interior and Furniture Design at the IED in Florence. Following his graduation, he seized the opportunity to be part of the Fabrica Experimental Research Centre located in Treviso. Here, he delved into the exploration of novel materials for his research, consistently yielding distinctive articles for everyday use.
Bocca, in his relentless quest for a fresh design approach, directs his creative endeavours towards the utilization of recycled paper. This material, derived from the byproducts of the predominant industries in his hometown of Lucca, undergoes a meticulous process spanning multiple days. The outcome is a highly resilient and largely organic compound, offering optimal manageability.
His message stands to heighten awareness concerning the repurposing of organic waste in our daily routines, fostering the forging of an innovative path forward. Jonathan firmly believes that design should eschew non-recyclable materials. His ambition is to propagate the potential for redesigning the conceptual landscape of design. This transformation commences with the employment of humble and recycled components derived from the residues of major industries. By reinterpreting and rejuvenating these materials, he breathes new life and significance into them.
His concepts exhibit an intimate connection with the realm of dreams, which serves as a conduit for reshaping reality through his imaginative prowess. This process births fantastical entities, bridging the boundary between dreams and reality.
"As I awaken each day, I immediately translate my dreams onto paper, for reality is merely a projection of our dreams."